
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

and do: work out (yoga)

Don't hate me. I'm a morning person. Not like a jolly, bouncing off-the-wall with energy at 6:00 am morning person. Like a productive morning person. And it starts with working out in the morning. When I was a swimmer in my teens it was a herculean task to get me out of bed to a 4:45 am swim practice. But in my 20s? Apparently I will get myself out of bed at 4:30 am to go for a run. But my schedule has recently changed. I'm still waking up in the morning to run, but I am no longer able to attend the a.m. yoga practice that I loved. So, for the past few weeks, I've been testing out evening yoga classes. I was worried. I thought I would be stiff and inflexible after a work day. Or that I'd be too full because I can't give up my afternoon snack habit. Turns out, I love evening yoga. I'm more flexible in the evening. And it's great because the Baptiste vinyasa style I practice wipes me out and my mind is more at peace so I'm not tossing and turning trying to fall asleep at a reasonable hour. I wish I could say I've also managed to avoid the afternoon snack attack, but unfortunately back-bending on my stomach is still a bit uncomfortable.

Image via here.

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